The Phenomenon of Substituting one Letter for another between Abu Amr bin Ala'a and the Tamim Tribe

(A phonological and analytical study)

  • Shatha Shaker Yaqoot Department of Arabic Language - Education for Girls - University of Baghdad - Iraq
  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Mervat Yousef Kadhim Department of Arabic Language - Education for Girls - University of Baghdad - Iraq
Keywords: audio study, readings of Abu Amr ibn Al-Alaa, Tamim tribe dialect, audio clips


This research is concerned with studying the phenomenon of substitution, which is an acoustic phenomenon whose domain is in this research the Qur’anic readings, and this study is concerned with the words whose pronunciation occurred during the reading of the Qur’an between Abu Amr bin Al-Ala and the Tamim tribe, so the study is based on two centers: The first: monitoring the expressions in which a verbal disagreement occurred related to the phenomenon of commutation, and the second: studying this disagreement a phonological study, aiming to find out the reason for this difference in pronunciation, and to note which of the two readings is less effort on the speaker The phenomenon of substitution is one of the most prominent acoustic phenomena, the most clear and in need of study and explanation. Whereas, the substitution of one sound with another is a purely phonemic path that the speaking conducts in order to perceive the meaning and attain it with minimal effort.

The material of this research has been collected by reading the Noble Qur’an according to Tamim’s reading of it, and reading it according to Abu Amr bin Ala’s reading of it, starting with Surat Al-Fatiha and ending with Surah Al-Nas, then extracting every word in its pronunciation between Abu Amr bin Al-Alaa and the Tamim tribe by substituting one voice for another, Where the study was conducted on these expressions differing in their pronunciations, so the researcher mentions which of the two parties [Abi Amr bin Al-Ala and the Tamim tribe] read the word according to its origin, and which of them switched one sound to another, then searches for the reasons that led to the occurrence of this difference, supported by what she was able to reach from Evidence and evidence drawn from the books of the ancients first and then the modernists secondly, trying in all of that to come up with a conclusion with which the reader can come out with a judgment regarding which of the two readings is lighter and easier on the tongue. Also, upon completion of the study of the phenomenon, the researcher would count the samples of this phenomenon between the two readings, and try to make a balance in the number of times the phenomenon appeared in this or that reading. The researcher conducted her study after she mentioned a comprehensive detail about the phenomenon of commutation, starting with its definition in language and convention, then mentioning its types and causes, the extent of its spread in the Arabic tongue, and the position of linguists towards it.


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How to Cite
Shatha Shaker Yaqoot, & Assist. Prof. Dr. Mervat Yousef Kadhim. (2020). The Phenomenon of Substituting one Letter for another between Abu Amr bin Ala’a and the Tamim Tribe: (A phonological and analytical study). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (59), 18-34.