Sound Effect in Weighting Quranic Readings

  • Ph.D. Majid Eyal Waheeb College of Education for Human Sciences - Dhi Qar University - Iraq
Keywords: Phonological consistency, Quranic readings


The holy Qur’an adopted an accurate phonemic system as it employed the capabilities of the Arabic phonetic language to an optimal use so that a high-level Qur’anic language was produced especially in phonological consistency and musical homogeneity. This study would stand on a mechanism of the weighting mechanism of Qur’anic readings where our study was adopted.  These are on the phonemic side and its effective effect in weighting one reading over another through the musical homogeneity and the high fluidity of the verse in which the reading was mentioned, as well as the vocabulary in the adjacent verses. In addition, we have not ignored the semantic aspect that will filter through the translated reading which changes the idea of the verse or verses or bring it closer to being the intended one for we have relied on it to reinforce the weighting that the sound effect performs. Our study has taken from the Surahs of Alshuara and Alnaml as an applied field for it.


القران الكريم
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The Holy Quran.
1. Al-Andalusi Abu Hayyan (d. 745 AH), 1420 AH, Al-Bahr Al-Muheet in Interpretation: Edited by Sidqi Muhammad Jamil, Dar Al-Fikr.
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How to Cite
Ph.D. Majid Eyal Waheeb. (2020). Sound Effect in Weighting Quranic Readings. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (59), 1-7.