The Effect of Round Robin Strategy Supported by Qr Code Technology in The Achievement of Scientific Fifth Grade Students in Biology

  • Hanan Salam Arap ALduwskiu College of Education For Pure Science / Ibn Al-Haitham - Baghdad University - Iraq
  • Dr. Salim Abdulla Selman College of Education For Pure Science / Ibn Al-Haitham - Baghdad University - Iraq
Keywords: Round Robin Strategy, QR code technology, Scientific Fifth, Biology course.


The aim of this research is to identify the impact of the Round Robin strategy supported by QR code on the achievement of fifth-grade students in biology. The researcher chose the semi-experimental design with partial control (an experimental group and a control group) with the post-test for the achievement test. A female student, and the random test took place on Division (B), consisting of (21) female students, to represent the experimental group, and (A), a division of (20) female students, to represent the control group. The first course, the previous bioinformatics test, the intelligence test,). A tool was prepared for the achievement test, as the researcher prepared an achievement test for the last chapters (transmission and nervous coordination) from the biology book for the fifth grade and the achievement test consisted of (50) objective paragraphs. Data analysis and statistically processed using the Mann Whitney U test, the t-test equation of two unequal independent samples, the Richardson-20 coder equation, the Alpha Cronbach equation, the Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficient, the difficulty coefficient, the discriminatory strength of the paragraph, and the effectiveness of wrong alternatives. The results indicated that there is an effect of the Round Robin strategy supported by QR code technology on achievement in biology for fifth-grade students in favor of the experimental group, and a number of recommendations and proposals have been developed.


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How to Cite
Hanan Salam Arap ALduwskiu, & Dr. Salim Abdulla Selman. (2020). The Effect of Round Robin Strategy Supported by Qr Code Technology in The Achievement of Scientific Fifth Grade Students in Biology . Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (56), 268-282.