The Impact of Digital marketing of Local Fashion Brand through Websites on the purchasing Behavior of Saudi Consumers

(A descriptive analytical study)

  • Ehsan Al-Ahmari Faculty of Anthropology and Design, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
  • Dr. Taghreed Saleh Abalkhail Faculty of Anthropology and Design, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Digital Marketing through Websites, Local Fashion Brand, Purchasing Behavior, Saudi Consumer


The study aimed to examine the impact of digital marketing for local fashion brands through websites on Saudi consumers' purchase intentions. The research adopted a descriptive-quantitative analytical methodology and used a questionnaire as the primary data collection tool. The sample consisted of 507 Saudi consumers from the Makkah and Riyadh regions.

The study reached several key conclusions, the most significant being a positive (direct) statistically significant correlation at a significance level of (0.01) between digital marketing of local fashion brands through websites and Saudi consumers' purchase intentions. Additionally, websites that support digital transformation initiatives aligned with Saudi Vision 2030 gain greater trust and engagement from Saudi consumers. User-friendly interfaces, visually appealing designs, and intuitive navigation on websites significantly enhance Saudi consumers' intention to purchase local fashion brands.

The study recommended improving website design and usability, prioritizing user-friendly interfaces, intuitive navigation, and mobile responsiveness to ensure an optimal browsing experience. It also emphasized the importance of using aesthetic layouts and engaging visuals to attract and retain visitors.


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How to Cite
Ehsan Al-Ahmari, & Dr. Taghreed Saleh Abalkhail. (2025). The Impact of Digital marketing of Local Fashion Brand through Websites on the purchasing Behavior of Saudi Consumers: (A descriptive analytical study). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (116), 226-250.