A proposed training program based on the Theory of Transformational learning and the Innovation Space to develop Professional Competence among Secondary School Physics Teachers and its Impact on developing Innovative thinking among their Students

  • Prof. Abdullah bin Ali Al-Kasi Professor of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Science, Department of Education and Learning, College of Education, King Khalid University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Dr. Fatima Ali Mubarak Al-Qahtani PhD in Curricula and Methods of Teaching Science, General Administration of Education in Asir Region, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Transformative learning theory, Makerspace, Professional competence, Innovative thinking, Physics


The research aimed to prepare a proposed training program based on transformative learning theory and the Makerspaces to develop the professional competence of secondary school physics teachers. Investigating its impact on developing the innovative thinking among female students. The descriptive analytical method and the experimental method - with a quasi-experimental design - were used. Research tools were prepared: a note card of professional competencies and an innovative thinking test. A random sample of secondary school physics teachers in government secondary schools for girls in the city of Khamis Mushait (as an experimental group for implementing the training program prepared in this research), was selected. Their number reached (34) teachers. A purposive sample was selected from first-year secondary school students in the same city, and their number reached (161) students. They were divided into two groups: one of them represented the experimental group, and their number was (81) female students (these were the female teachers who attended the training program). The other group represents the control group, consisting of (80) female students (they are female teachers who did not attend the training program). The results found: There are statistically significant differences at the function level (0.05) between the average scores of secondary school physics teachers in both the pre- and post-application of the note card professional competencies, in favor of the post-application. The research recommends the necessity of taking advantage of the training program and tools prepared in this research to develop and measure the professional competence of secondary school physics teachers, to train a larger segment of physics and science teachers at different educational stages, and to develop the innovative thinking among their students.


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How to Cite
Prof. Abdullah bin Ali Al-Kasi, & Dr. Fatima Ali Mubarak Al-Qahtani. (2025). A proposed training program based on the Theory of Transformational learning and the Innovation Space to develop Professional Competence among Secondary School Physics Teachers and its Impact on developing Innovative thinking among their Students. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (116), 136-164. https://doi.org/10.33193/JALHSS.116.2025.1318