دراسة جمالية لمختارات من أبواب الحرمين الشريفين كمنطلق لاستحداث مشغولة معدنية
The study aimed to monitor the aesthetics of the metal decorative elements of the doors of the Two Holy Mosques and put forward an entrance to the metal formation based on benefiting from the aesthetics of the doors of the Two Holy Mosques, and the creation of a metal craft based on benefiting from the aesthetics of the metal decorative elements of the doors of the Two Holy Mosques. Which achieves the aim of the study, and the study follows the historical and descriptive analytical approach in the theoretical framework and the experimental approach in its practical framework. Statistical methods showed that (94.27%) of the total panel of arbitrators strongly agree on the methods of all applications as ways to take advantage of the aesthetics of the doors of the Two Holy Mosques as a starting point for metal formation, and that (93.98%) of the total panel of arbitrators strongly agree that it is possible to benefit from these applications To create a new occupation, and among the most important results, the doors of the Two Holy Mosques were distinguished in each era with an Islamic geometric character different from others, and the expansions in all ages until our current era carried out many decorations and Islamic architectural aesthetics specific to each time period (Mamluki, Othmani, Saudi), The entrances in Islamic architecture are among the most important influences in shaping the facades some of the entrances and doors of the Prophet's Mosque were preserved, but they were developed in line with the recent expansions. The researcher recommends: From the general aesthetics of the Two Holy Mosques and the special chapters to enrich creativity and creativity in all fields of arts, establishing a study of the aesthetics of the Two Holy Mosques because of the foundations and artistic elements it contains for decoration.
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