The Aesthetics of Environmental Material as an Approach to Creating Cyanotype Print Works
This research aims to explore the artistic potential of environmental materials (natural plants) in creating print works using the cyanotype printing technique. Additionally, it seeks to showcase the aesthetic qualities of color and texture in environmental materials (natural plants) within the cyanotype printing style. The research question is: How can the aesthetics of environmental materials be utilized to develop print works through the cyanotype technique? The study employs a descriptive approach for the theoretical aspect and an experimental method for practical applications.
Findings include achieving aesthetic and artistic color values through the interaction of chlorophyll present in natural plant leaves—a novel step in the field of manual printing. Factors such as time, timing, green plant leaves, and exposure to direct sunlight significantly influence the range of color and texture effects on the print surface. Additionally, the cyanotype technique’s visual values can be applied to diverse printing surfaces.
The researchers suggests incorporating cyanotype printing into manual printing techniques due to its non-traditional nature and reliance on chemical processes. Further experimentation with chemical solutions is encouraged to achieve unconventional color tones in cyanotype printing, using this method as a new experimental approach that enriches the print surface with unique artistic values.
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