The Impact of Different Content Presentation Styles in Augmented Reality Environments and its Effectiveness in Learning the English Language and Developing Self-Efficacy among Middle School Students
The current research aimed to reveal the most appropriate type of content presentation (segmented / non-segmented) in augmented reality environments to develop English language learning and self-efficacy among intermediate school students at Tamim Al Dari School in Madinah for the academic year 1444-1445 AH. The research used the method Quasi-experimental, the study sample consisted of (80) students, They were divided into two equal groups with (40) students for each experimental group. The first experimental group studied using the content presentation style (segmented), while the second group studied using the content presentation style (non-segmented). The research tools were an achievement test and self-efficacy scale. The two research tools were applied pre-tested to the two experimental groups, and then each group was subjected to its own experimental treatment, then the two research tools were applied post-test. The results resulted in a statistically significant difference at the level of (0.05) between the average scores of the members of the two experimental groups for research in the post-application of the achievement test and the self-efficacy scale, due to the primary effect of the difference in the style of presentation content in augmented reality environments (segmented/non- segmented) in favor of the segmented view style. The study recommended taking advantage of the results of the current study to expand the use of learning environments based on augmented reality and improve learning processes in them, as well as employing two types of content presentation (segmented/non- segmented) as one of the pedagogical approaches to education due to its suitability for digital learning.
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