The Impact of Delivery Services on the Credibility of Sales through E-Commerce Stores

  • Rafi Fathi Muraib Al-Butana University, Sudan
  • Abderahman Mohammed Andalla Hamdi Associate Professor of Business Administration, Al-Batana University, Sudan
Keywords: Delivery services, credibility, e-commerce stores


This study aimed to highlight the impact of delivery services on the credibility of sales through e-commerce stores by examining how delivery costs and the security of delivery affect the credibility of these sales. The problem addressed in the study focuses on the impact of these factors on service quality, which is critical for the survival of such stores. The study’s importance arises from the e-commerce store owners’ comprehensive focus on all elements of the online store, particularly delivery services. Furthermore, store owners’ attention is tied to all aspects of service quality, which are treated as a single entity. The study’s importance also stems from the notion of credibility, which is fundamental to human interactions. To achieve its objectives, the study employed both descriptive and analytical approaches. A stratified random sample was used, consisting of (118) beneficiaries, representing 5% of the study population. The questionnaires were distributed electronically, and (105) valid responses were analyzed. The study results indicated that delivery costs vary based on several factors, such as demand, distance, and time for certain delivery services. It emphasized that delivery security is crucial for customers, as it influences their decision to use delivery services. In addition, the study emphasized that customers consider product content, the descriptions provided on the website, and the availability of customer reviews and feedback as essential components in the decision-making process. It also indicated that customers prefer regular updates on the order status and the expected delivery time, along with flexibility in delivery timing. Furthermore, the study demonstrated that the factors influencing delivery services have predictive capabilities regarding the credibility of sales through e-commerce stores. It emphasized strong positive correlations between the factors affecting delivery services and all other variables, indicating that improving various types of delivery services directly enhances the credibility of e-commerce stores and strengthens customer trust. The study concluded with several recommendations, the most prominent of which include: continuous research into the factors affecting delivery services, improving them, and exploring new elements to measure their ability to impact and predict the credibility of sales through e-commerce stores.


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How to Cite
Rafi Fathi Muraib, & Abderahman Mohammed Andalla Hamdi. (2024). The Impact of Delivery Services on the Credibility of Sales through E-Commerce Stores. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (114), 199-220.