Political Awareness of Omani Youth through Social Media Platforms

(Twitter Platform as a Model January 2022 – April 2022)

  • Fawzia bint Abdullah Al-Shihi PhD Student, Doctoral Center, Arts, Humanities, Creed and Arts, Educational Sciences, Linguistics, Communication and Translation, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Kingdom of Morocco
  • Dr. Abdelsalam Andaloussi Qualified lecturer at the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences in Tetouan
Keywords: Political Awareness, Omani Youth, Social Media Platforms, Tweets, Posts


This study explores the impact of social media platforms, particularly Twitter, on the political attitudes and engagement of Omani youth in political discussions. In an era where digital communication shapes public discourse, Twitter emerges as a significant tool for young individuals to express their political opinions and connect with relevant issues. The research investigates how Twitter serves as a platform for interaction with political matters, focusing on the extent to which it influences Omani youth's interest and participation in political life

Preliminary findings suggest that Twitter plays a pivotal role in shaping political orientations among young people, who demonstrate a greater preference for local political issues over international matters. This trend highlights the importance of addressing immediate community concerns and fostering a sense of belonging. Furthermore, the study illustrates how youth actively utilize Twitter to exchange ideas and information, thereby enhancing their political awareness and engagement in discussions. Additionally, the research underscores the educational and informational potential of Twitter, as it provides a space for the dissemination of news and analytical content that informs the youth about political dynamics. Despite its advantages, the study acknowledges challenges such as censorship and constraints on freedom of expression that can hinder active participation. The findings emphasize the need for policymakers to monitor youth trends on Twitter to better understand their interests and align policies with their aspirations. This research, covering the period from January to April 2022, calls for further investigations into the role of social media in the political lives of young people, aiming to identify effective strategies to enhance communication and political participation.


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How to Cite
Fawzia bint Abdullah Al-Shihi, & Dr. Abdelsalam Andaloussi. (2024). Political Awareness of Omani Youth through Social Media Platforms: (Twitter Platform as a Model January 2022 – April 2022). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (114), 94-104. https://doi.org/10.33193/JALHSS.114.2024.1275