Trends among Young People towards Employing New Developments in Telecommunications Technology to Improve Their Standard of Living

(Smartphone applications as a Model)

  • Dr. Areej Ahmed Agran Associate Professor, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Telecommunication Technology, Smart Phone, Smartphone applications, Employment, Trends, Standard of Living


     This study aims to uncover inclination among young people towards employment of smartphone applications to further improve their standard of living in connection with a number of topics – i.e., income surge, development of personal skills, health, social relations, education and learning, life well-being. It also aims to recognize the correlation between inclination among young people towards employment of smartphone apps. on one hand and improvement of their standard of living on the other. It is further concerned with identifying the gender-based nuances in connection with young people tendency towards employment of smartphone apps. To this aim, the study was conducted on an intentional sample group composed of Saudi young people using smartphones. As many as 384 respondents were randomly selected. The study adopted the descriptive analytical methodology. Tool of the study, which was specifically designed by the researcher, involved a scale to measure inclination among young people towards employment of smartphone apps. to improve their standard of living.       Findings revealed highly positive inclination among young people towards employment of smartphone apps. to improve their standard of living in favor of female respondents. Findings also pointed out that the topic of ‘Education and Learning’ had been the most commonly employed factor towards improvement of standard of living, followed by the topic of ‘Social Relations’ on equal footing with the topic of ‘Development of Personal Skills’. Nonetheless, the topic ‘Life Well-being and Prosperity’ came next, followed by the topic of ‘Income Surge’. The topic ‘Health’ was ranked last. Additionally, findings revealed a direct correlation featured by statistical indication between young people inclination towards employment of smartphone apps. and improvement of their standard of living. That is, whenever the use of smart phone apps. is positively on the rise, the more knowledge, development of personal skills, increase of personal relations would be achieved. Accordingly, the standard of living would be improved.  


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How to Cite
Dr. Areej Ahmed Agran. (2024). Trends among Young People towards Employing New Developments in Telecommunications Technology to Improve Their Standard of Living: (Smartphone applications as a Model). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (114), 70-93.