Design the Animated Cartoon Characters to Introduce Saudi Tourism to Children
Cartoon characters are one of the strongest means of attracting and influencing children. The current research aims to create a cartoon character design that reflects Saudi cultural identity, aimed at children to introduce them to Saudi tourism. This is done by employing it in a motion graphic video to showcase Saudi tourism, specifically targeting the historical area of Jeddah as a key tourist attraction. The study analyzed the animation video and cartoon characters in terms of design style and their impact on children in late childhood. The research aims to analyze the research sample's opinions to assess the success of the proposed cartoon character design in showcasing aspects of Saudi cultural identity, beauty, and attractiveness. The research followed a descriptive-analytical approach towards the experimental element, involving a random sample of 30 children in late childhood. The research results proved the effectiveness of the proposed character in attracting children's attention and representing Saudi cultural identity. It also demonstrated its effectiveness in achieving the design purpose by introducing Jeddah's historical area as a tourist attraction. Additionally, the research identified that cartoon characters have a significant impact on children, attracting and interacting with them. Therefore, leveraging this impact is crucial for preserving identity and fostering belonging. The research concluded the importance of utilizing Saudi rich and diverse arts and heritage in designing the cartoon character to instill Saudi values and identity, creating a conscious generation proud of their Saudi and Arab culture and identity. Furthermore, the research recommended focusing on Saudi heritage in visual communication by organizing specialized training courses in visual communication, design, and animation of cartoon characters to achieve professional outcomes.
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