The Degree of Use of E-learning Skills by Students of the Faculty of Graduate Studies at An-Najah National University

  • Zaid Nabeel Fareed Mahfouz Universiti Malaysia Islamic Sciences, Malaysia
Keywords: College of Graduate Studies, An-Najah National University, e-learning


The study aimed to measure the degree to which graduate students at An-Najah National University used e-learning skills. The study population consisted of all students of the Faculty of Educational Sciences in the College of Graduate Studies at An-Najah National University, who numbered (500) male and female students, and the study sample consisted of (53) students. Male and female students were chosen randomly. The researcher used the descriptive analytical method to suit the nature of the study. The researcher built the study tool, which is: A questionnaire measures the degree to which graduate students at An-Najah National University use e-learning skills. In order to answer the study’s questions, the researcher used statistical treatments: one-way ANOVA, a one-sample t-test, and a (one-sample t-test) test. T) for two independent groups (Independent t-test), and (Scheffe Test) for post-comparison (Scheffe Test). The results of the study showed that the degree of use of e-learning skills by students of the Faculty of Graduate Studies at An-Najah National University in general was low, and it was also low for both genders. The results also showed that the degree of all students’ use of e-learning skills was weak in their various places of residence. In light of the results of the study, the researcher recommended holding specialized courses for students of the College of Graduate Studies to develop their abilities in e-learning, and holding seminars, meetings, and conferences for students of the College of Graduate Studies at An-Najah National University. It encourages students and motivates them to learn about e-learning skills and highlights its role and importance in the teaching and learning process.


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How to Cite
Zaid Nabeel Fareed Mahfouz. (2024). The Degree of Use of E-learning Skills by Students of the Faculty of Graduate Studies at An-Najah National University. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (109), 123-141.