Trade relations between the Islamic world and China in the Middle Ages
This study explores trade relations between the Islamic world and China in the Middle Ages, highlighting the profound impact of trade in fostering cultural and political interaction between the two civilizations. By analyzing the historical and geographical context of trade relations, we review the economic and social conditions in both the Islamic world and China, and explore the land and sea trade routes that linked them, with a focus on the goods and commodities traded. We also discuss the role of Muslim and Chinese merchants in promoting trade, and the cultural and social impacts resulting from this exchange, while providing examples of regions that were significantly affected by trade relations. Finally, we analyze the economic, political, and administrative transformations that resulted from these relations, in addition to the impact of trade on educational and scientific systems. This study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how trade relations were not only a means of economic exchange, but also a driving force for cultural, scientific, and political change in the Middle Ages.
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