The Influence of Islamic Literature on Syriac Literature

  • Abdullah Muhammad Saeed Al-Suwaidi Doctoral student
Keywords: Islamic literature, Syriac literature, cultural interaction, Abbasid era, poetry, prose, religious influences, translation and transmission, Middle Ages


This research examines the influence of Islamic literature on Syriac literature during the Middle Ages, highlighting the cultural and literary interactions that arose between the two civilizations as a result of commercial, scientific and religious exchange. The research addresses the development of Islamic literature in the Abbasid era and its impact on literary forms and contents in Syriac literature, with a focus on poetry, prose and religious influences. The research also reviews the role of prominent literary figures and cultural institutions in transferring and translating works between the two languages, which contributed to enriching the two literatures and providing models of joint works that reflect the cultural and intellectual overlap between Muslims and Syriacs. By analyzing these interactions, the research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the literary relations and mutual influences that contributed to shaping the cultural identity of both civilizations.


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How to Cite
Abdullah Muhammad Saeed Al-Suwaidi. (2024). The Influence of Islamic Literature on Syriac Literature. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (109), 17-31.