The Reasons beyond the High Results of Secondary School Students in Aptitude and Achievement Tests from the point of view of Principals of School Ranked as the First Five in Al-Naseem Educational Bureau

  • Dr. Reem Al-Muhaidly Educational Affairs Assistant, Naseem Education Office, General Administration of Education in Riyadh Region, Ministry of Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Dr. Hadia Al-Yami Academic Achievement Coordinator, Educational Supervisor for Science, Naseem Education Office, General Administration of Education in Riyadh Region, Ministry of Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Al-Bandari Al-Khalaf Educational Supervisor for Mathematics, Naseem Education Office, General Administration of Education in Riyadh Region, Ministry of Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Badriya Al-Rasheed Educational supervisor for the Arabic language subject, Al-Naseem Education Office, General Administration of Education in the Riyadh Region, Ministry of Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: high female students’ results, secondary school students, aptitude tests, Al-Naseem Education Office


The study aimed to identify the reasons beyond the high results of secondary school students in the aptitude and achievement tests from the point of view of the principals of schools that won the first five places in Al-Naseem Educational Bureau, and to propose solutions to address the reasons for the low results of secondary school students in the aptitude and achievement tests through utilizing the experiences of the schools ranked in the first five in in Al-Naseem Educational Bureau. The study methodology adopted the descriptive survey methodology applicable for this kind of studies. This approach is mainly concerned with studying the natural and social phenomenon and in describing it as is. This is reached through collecting information and data related to this phenomenon, then analyzing and interpreting it in order to reach research results about its reality. It was applied to all members of society indirectly through implementation of questionnaire tool. It was successfully applied to the study members comprised in female principals of school ranked first five in the results of high school students, the third grade of secondary school in the aptitude and achievement tests made for Al-Naseem Educational Bureau, and their number is (5) directresses. The study concluded to many results, the most prominent of which are manifested as follows: One of the most important factors affecting the high level of third-year secondary students in the achievement test is the high motivation of students and their desire to obtain a high percentage, implementation of intensive training for students during targeted classes, and availability of highly qualified and experienced teachers.


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How to Cite
Dr. Reem Al-Muhaidly, Dr. Hadia Al-Yami, Al-Bandari Al-Khalaf, & Badriya Al-Rasheed. (2024). The Reasons beyond the High Results of Secondary School Students in Aptitude and Achievement Tests from the point of view of Principals of School Ranked as the First Five in Al-Naseem Educational Bureau. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (107), 221-233.