The Reality of Green Organizational Culture on the Performance of Employees in the Government Sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  • Khalid bin Abdullah Al-Shehri PhD in Management, School of Management, Midocean University
  • Kholoud bint Ali Basweed PhD in Management, School of Management, Midocean University
Keywords: Green Organizational Culture, green management, employee performance, government sector, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


The study aimed to identify the role of green organizational culture on the performance of employees in the government sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The current study gains its theoretical importance as it addresses the importance of green organizational culture and its impact on the performance of government sector employees. It also gains practical importance as it provides recommendations and research proposals to develop the performance of practices. Green organizational and employee performance, and relied on the descriptive analytical approach, and used one of the study tools, which is the questionnaire. The study population consists of all employees in the government sector, and the study sample included (200) employees. The study found that there is a positive, statistically significant correlation between the depth of green organizational culture and the performance of employees in the government sector (.801**) with a significance level of (.000). And that there is a positive, statistically significant correlation between the degree of green organizational culture and the performance of employees in the government sector. (.817**) with a significance level of (.000) and that there is a positive, statistically significant correlation between spreading green organizational culture and the performance of employees in the government sector (.831**) with a significance level of (.000) The study recommended the need to pay attention to developing procedures and systems. Financial as well as economic, in keeping with the application of green culture and through forming partnerships with the private sector in order to develop investments towards the desired green sectors.


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How to Cite
Khalid bin Abdullah Al-Shehri, & Kholoud bint Ali Basweed. (2024). The Reality of Green Organizational Culture on the Performance of Employees in the Government Sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (107), 195-220.