The Reasons beyond Low Results of Male and Female Students of the Primary and Intermediate Stages in the National Tests (NAFES) from Teachers’ point of view

  • Dr. Reem Al-Muhaidly Educational Affairs Assistant, Naseem Education Office, General Administration of Education in Riyadh Region, Ministry of Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Dr. Hadia Al-Yami Academic Achievement Coordinator, Educational Supervisor for Science, Naseem Education Office, General Administration of Education in Riyadh Region, Ministry of Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Al-Bandari Al-Khalaf Educational supervisor for the Arabic language subject, Al-Naseem Education Office, General Administration of Education in the Riyadh Region, Ministry of Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Badriya Al-Rasheed Educational supervisor for the Arabic language subject, Al-Naseem Education Office, General Administration of Education in the Riyadh Region, Ministry of Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Insaf Al-Mutairi Educational Supervisor for Religion, Al-Naseem Education Office, General Administration of Education in Riyadh Region, Ministry of Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: low student results, national tests (NAFES)


The study aimed to identify the reasons beyond low results of male and female students of primary and intermediate stages in the national tests (NAFES) from teachers’ point of view, propose solutions to address the reasons to ratify the low results of students of the primary and intermediate stages in the national tests (NAFES). The descriptive survey study approach was used  to accommodate this type of studies, as this approach is concerned with studying the natural and social phenomenon and describing it as it is, through collecting relevant information and data related to the phenomenon, then analyze and interpret them in order to reach research results regarding their reality. This study was indirectly applied to all members of society through the questionnaire tool and was applied to  the community and the sample of the study, comprised in teachers of the third and sixth grades of primary stage of education, in addition to teachers of the third grade of intermediate education. The study sample consisted of (43) teachers of the third and sixth grades of primary stage of education, in addition to (24) teachers of the third grade of intermediate education. The study reached many results, the most prominent of which are stated as follows:  One of the most important factors affecting  the low level of female students in (Nafes) test for the third intermediate grade is the low level of seriousness in dealing with the test, the lack of simulated tests for national tests, and the difference in test questions from the usual pattern recognizable by students. The study also found that the most important factors affecting the low level of female students in (NAFES) test for the third and sixth grades of primary stage of education are comprised in the low level of seriousness in dealing with the test, in addition to the impact of student families  and social circumstances, and the lack of simulated tests for national tests.


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How to Cite
Dr. Reem Al-Muhaidly, Dr. Hadia Al-Yami, Al-Bandari Al-Khalaf, Badriya Al-Rasheed, & Insaf Al-Mutairi. (2024). The Reasons beyond Low Results of Male and Female Students of the Primary and Intermediate Stages in the National Tests (NAFES) from Teachers’ point of view . Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (107), 151-175.