The Omani press’s Treatment of the Syrian Crisis

(The Syrian crisis through examples from the Omani press)

  • Hamoud bin Hamad bin Nasser Al Buraiki Doctoral student, Doctoral Center, Arts, Humanities, Faith, Arts and Educational Sciences, Linguistics, Communication and Translation, Abdelmalek Saadi University, Kingdom of Morocco
  • Dr. Abdul Salam Andalusi Qualified lecturer at King Fahd Higher School of Translation in Tangier, Kingdom of Morocco
Keywords: The Syrian Crisis, Omani Newspapers, press treatment, Content analysis


The aim of this study is to analyze the attention has been given by the Omani Arabic dailies; Al-Watan, Oman, Shabiba, and Al-Roya for the Syrian crisis. This study depends on content analysis methodology to analyze all related materials published by the Omani Arabic dailies in 2017. A total of 1903 materials will be analysed using content analysis.

The study showed various results in content analysis. Oman newspaper achieved superiority in the entire space allocated for Syrian crisis, after which came Al-Watan newspaper, then Al-Roya followed by Shabiba newspaper at last. Reports were the most materials type used to address the Syrian crisis in the newspapers under study. The results also showed that Oman newspaper used more of analytical articles, while Al-Watan used column articles, Al-Roya used editorial articles, and Shabiba used only analytical articles to address the Syrian crisis. The results also revealed the dominance of Arab writers in Oman, Al-Watan and Shabiba newspapers regarding articles addressing the Syrian crisis, however Al-Roya newspaper depended only on Omani writers.  


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How to Cite
Hamoud bin Hamad bin Nasser Al Buraiki, & Dr. Abdul Salam Andalusi. (2024). The Omani press’s Treatment of the Syrian Crisis: (The Syrian crisis through examples from the Omani press). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (107), 109-126.