The Effectiveness of Augmented Reality Technology in Developing E-Test Design Skills among Education Teachers

  • Naif Saud Alanzi Faculty of Education, University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: augmented reality, e-test


The current research aimed at developing the use of augmented reality technology in training situations for general education teachers and demonstrating its impact on the e-test design skills of general education teachers in Jeddah. The research adopted a quasi-experimental approach to compare the two research groups, where the experimental group is taught using augmented reality, and the control group using the regular training program.  The research sample consisted of (60) teachers, who were randomly distributed to the two research groups (30 teachers in each group). Through the current research, a list of e-test design skills was developed that included (8) sub-skills. An observation card was built to evaluate the e-test design skills. The results showed that the experimental group that used augmented reality was favored compared to the control group that used the usual method of training in terms of improving the level of e-test design skills. The research recommended the need to expand the construction of teacher training centers that are supported by virtual and augmented reality technologies.


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How to Cite
Naif Saud Alanzi. (2024). The Effectiveness of Augmented Reality Technology in Developing E-Test Design Skills among Education Teachers. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (105), 471-488.