The Role of Mountain Performing Arts in Highlighting Traditional Costumes in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
This research aims to explore mountain performing arts, identify the prominent features of mountain performing arts in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and recognize the traditional male costumes associated with mountain performing arts in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The current research adopted a historical and descriptive-analytical approach, describing mountain performing arts, highlighting their key characteristics, and analyzing the traditional costumes of mountain performing arts. The study reached several important findings, including that the cultural and geographical diversity in the Asir region contributed to the emergence of various unique patterns and expressions in its diverse folk arts, as it encompasses both mountainous and coastal areas, with each side characterized by its distinctive color representing its culture. Moreover, traditional costumes are considered essential elements associated with both mountain and coastal performing arts, as they belong to the place and the culture of the people. Some costumes are closely linked to folk art performed by dancers. Mountain arts draw inspiration for the colors of their costumes from the distinct greenery of the mountains, in addition to the use of white color in traditional male costumes symbolizing purity. Mountain performing arts played a role in highlighting the traditional costumes of the region through martial display movements, establishing a connection between kinetic performing arts and traditional attire. The research also provides a set of recommendations, including encouraging researchers to study performing arts in Saudi Arabia, emphasizing the importance of employing modern scientific methods in collecting, analyzing, and classifying folklore material within its natural environment, studying the traditional costumes associated with performing arts in Saudi Arabia and their accessories, and conducting further scientific and research studies on the relationship between traditional costumes and performing arts.
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