The Role of Visual Art in Representing Palestinian Cultural Identity

(An analytical study of Ismail Shammout’s artistic practices)

  • Ali Ahmed Naji Nasr Scientific College of Design, Sultanate of Oman
Keywords: Visual Art, Embodiment of Identity, Cultural Identity


This research addresses the role of art in embodying Palestinian identity and cultural resistance, drawing on a formal and semantic analysis of the works of artist Ismail Shammout. It reviews how Shammout utilized art as a tool to reflect the lives of Palestinians under Israeli occupation and their struggle for freedom while maintaining their identity amid severe political pressures. The study aims to explore the interaction between art and politics, the impact of visual arts in resisting occupation and strengthening national identity, and analyzes the cultural symbols and vocabularies that have helped shape Palestinian identity. This research presented a fundamental problem concerning the necessity of understanding how art influences the shaping and formation of national consciousness and supports cultural resistance within the Palestinian fabric and the conflict with the Israeli entity. It analyzed the formal and semantic dimensions of Shammout's works, which he utilized to embody Palestinian identity. The significance of this research lies in highlighting art as a powerful means of resistance and popular struggle, providing a comprehensive and profound understanding of the methods that can enhance identity and adherence in resisting the Israeli occupation through culture and the arts. It also sheds light on the contributions of the artist Ismail Shammout as an integral part of Palestinian cultural heritage. The research extensively evaluates Ismail Shammout's art, which portrays themes of steadfastness, hope, nostalgia, and refuge, emphasizing its role in reinforcing Palestinian cultural identity through strong cultural and political messages. It analyzes how Shammout uses symbols, colors, and forms to convey these messages, assessing their artistic, cultural, and political significance. The study also examines the impact of his works on viewers and their contribution to promoting awareness of the Palestinian cause, underscoring the importance of Palestinian visual art in the national movement as a medium for hope and advocacy for Palestinian rights and aspirations.


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How to Cite
Ali Ahmed Naji Nasr. (2024). The Role of Visual Art in Representing Palestinian Cultural Identity: (An analytical study of Ismail Shammout’s artistic practices). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (105), 311-331.