From Modernity to Contemporary The Impact of Travel on Artistic

(Transformation in Saudi Arabia (1999-2010))

  • Dareen Abdulrahman Alorflly Lecturer at College of Art and Design, Jeddah University, Kingdom of Saudi Arab/ ia PhD researcher in Department of History of Art, Vanbrugh College, University of York, United Kingdom
Keywords: Contemporary Saudi art, travel artists cultural exchange, transformation of the art scene, reception of contemporary art, Saudi Conceptual art


contemporaneity between 1999 and 2010, with a focus on the role of travel in the development of the art scene. It highlights how cultural exchange and international participation have broadened the horizons of artists and led them to explore new expressive mediums. The study shows that both local and international exhibitions have played a significant role in enabling artists to transcend traditional constraints and embrace contemporary trends. This research relies on a descriptive documentary approach to showcase changes in Saudi art exhibitions and the artworks displayed in them. Qualitative data required for the study were collected through various research tools, including personal interviews with artists and written sources such as books, research articles, and exhibition catalogues.

The research comprises three main themes covering the study's subject. The first theme analyzes the earliest contemporary Saudi exhibitions in the modern art scene in Jeddah, focusing on the exhibitions "Common Spaces" and "Yom." The second theme examines the initial international participations of contemporary Saudi artists, specifically in Sharjah. The third theme addresses the formation of characteristics of contemporary Saudi art in international exhibitions dedicated to Saudi art, through the analysis of contemporary artworks that reflect developments in artistic practice and identity representation. The results highlight how travel has contributed to the development of contemporary Saudi art in terms of medium and subject matter, granting it a distinguished global standing. The study presents the prominent features of contemporary Saudi art, such as the employment of cultural identity and its relationship with Islamic and social values across different mediums in artworks. The research aims to enrich the academic field by providing knowledge resources that contribute to understanding the history of Saudi art and the impacts of cultural exchanges on its development, as well as enhancing awareness of the importance of travel and cultural exchange in shaping contemporary Saudi artistic identity.


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How to Cite
Dareen Abdulrahman Alorflly. (2024). From Modernity to Contemporary The Impact of Travel on Artistic : (Transformation in Saudi Arabia (1999-2010)). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (105), 257-282.