Burnout Level among Mother's Child with Autism

  • Radwan Sadeeq Saeed College of Basic Education - University of Duhok -Iraq
  • Prof. Dr. Chachan Jomaa Mohamed College of Basic Education - University of Duhok -Iraq
Keywords: psychological combustion, autistic children, autism


The phenomenon of disability represents one of the phenomena that negatively affect a person with special needs, as it exceeds its effects on people who work in the humanitarian field, including those working in the field of special education, but in recent years some researchers have paid attention to the effects caused by the presence of a child with needs Especially on the family system The study aimed to detect the level of  burnout among mothers child with autism in Duhok , and its relationship with some variables, as age of child, family size, The economic level of the family, The number of autistic children in the family, Mother's education level, Mother's age. The Study sample included Mothers of autistic children in the (Naz) Center for Care and Rehabilitation of Autistic Children where sample chosen 36 Mothers of autistic children. Maslach psychological Burnout Inventory scale (MBI) (Maslach, 2011), comprised of 22 items, was implemented on the sample.

      Result of the study indicated that Mother's Child with autism suffer a high level of burnout. The study also showed to absence of statistically significant differences due the variables of as age of child, family size, the economic level of the family, the number of autistic children in the family, Mother's education level, and Mother's age.


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How to Cite
Radwan Sadeeq Saeed, & Prof. Dr. Chachan Jomaa Mohamed. (2020). Burnout Level among Mother’s Child with Autism. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (53), 237-256. https://doi.org/10.33193/JALHSS.53.2020.110