A Proposed Vision for Achieving Financial Sustainability at the University of Tabuk in Light of the Investment University
The study aimed to achieve financial sustainability at the University of Tabuk in light of the investment university by exploring the reality of financial sustainability and the requirements for its achievement in the context of the investment university. To achieve this, the study relied on the descriptive approach and used surveys to collect data and information from a random sample of 318 faculty members at the University of Tabuk. The study found several results, the most notable being: the overall level of availability of financial sustainability dimensions at the University of Tabuk was "moderate," with an average of (2.25). The overall level of agreement on the requirements to achieve financial sustainability at the University of Tabuk in light of the investment university was "high" with an average of (2.49). The study also revealed a variance in the degree of availability of financial sustainability dimensions; effective financial planning ranked first, expense rationalization second, financial and administrative policies third, and innovating new financial resources last. Additionally, the study found no statistically significant differences in the total averages of the sample's responses regarding the degree of availability of financial sustainability and the requirements for its achievement at the University of Tabuk based on the variable of the college (theoretical/practical) across all dimensions, except for expense rationalization which was significant at a level of (0.05) in favor of the practical category. There were also no significant differences based on gender. However, there were statistically significant differences at the 0.01 level between the total averages of responses based on the administrative position variable (holds an administrative position/does not hold an administrative position), in favor of those holding administrative positions. The study concluded by presenting a proposed vision for achieving financial sustainability at the University of Tabuk in light of the investment university.
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