Analysis of the Social Impacts of Major Development Projects in Sohar State

  • Badriya Mohammed Ahmed Al Balushi University of Buraimi, Oman
Keywords: Development, social development, Sohar state, major development projects


The problem of the current study was the following question: What are the social impacts of major development projects in the state of Sohar? The study sought to reveal the social effects of major economic projects on Omani families in the state of Sohar, including the social effects of development projects on the local community, and to come up with an appropriate vision to maximize those positive effects and reduce the negative effects of major projects in the state of Sohar. The study belonged to the type of descriptive analytical studies. The social survey method was relied upon to identify the social impacts of major development projects in the state of Sohar, the extent to which the growing economic projects in the city of Sohar contribute to Omani families, and the extent of their ability to achieve sustainable development. A non-random sample of 300 families was taken from only Omani families residing in the governorate of Sohar. One of the most important results of the study was that there are many positive social impacts of major development projects in the state of Sohar, but there were also some negative social impacts that have resulted from the existence of these projects. At the end of the study, a set of recommendations were presented that can be used to enhance and increase the positive social impacts, and reduce the negative social impacts of major development projects in the state of Sohar.


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How to Cite
Badriya Mohammed Ahmed Al Balushi. (2024). Analysis of the Social Impacts of Major Development Projects in Sohar State. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (104), 399-414.