Versatile Children's Clothing Manufacturing Technology for Sustainable Practice
Modern technology is considered one of the most important results of scientific development that has affected all areas of human life, especially the process of designing and manufacturing clothing products, which meet human functional and aesthetic needs.
The modern world is moving towards achieving sustainability in all fields, so attention to the environment has become an urgent necessity, as industrial progress has had a negative impact on the environment, and the term sustainability appeared with increased awareness and interest in societal and environmental issues.
Multi-use clothing is one of the applications of sustainability in the field of clothing design and manufacturing. It can be worn and used in multiple forms. Multi-use clothing encourages changing the purchasing behavior of consumers and gives them awareness of the concept of sustainability in fashion.
The research aims to :
1- Design multi-use outerwear for children to achieve sustainable practice using clothing manufacturing technology.
2- Contributing to achieving versatility in the use of clothing through the technological capabilities established in the design.
The search found :
1- There are statistically significant differences between the seven designs in achieving the functional aspect according to the opinions of specialists.
2- There are statistically significant differences between the seven designs in achieving the aesthetic aspect, according to the opinions of specialists.
3- There are statistically significant differences between the seven designs in achieving the technical aspect, according to the opinions of specialists.
4- There are statistically significant differences between the seven designs according to the opinions of specialists.
5- There are statistically significant differences between the seven designs according to the opinions of female consumers.
The research recommended :
1- Academic interest in presenting research ideas that achieve sustainability in the field of clothing design and manufacturing, and following specialized scientific methods using modern technology.
2- Community awareness of the necessity of achieving sustainability in its dimensions and consolidating its practice in ready-made garment factories.
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