Building a Proposed Basic Model that Fits the Bodies of Very Short Women in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  • Dr. Samar Mahmoud Abdel Ghani Maklan Associate Professor of Clothing and Textiles, College of Design, Umm Al-Qura University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: short stature, basic model, physical patterns


The field of special groups has witnessed great interest recently, as this group, like other members of society, has the right to life and exploit their abilities and potentials, and they are viewed as part of human wealth that must be developed and benefited from to the maximum extent possible. Individuals of “extreme short stature” represent “One of the special groups that require care and attention, they are people with a small body structure compared to the normal human structure.

    The stage of preparing and building models is considered one of the most important stages of clothing production, as it serves as the backbone of the clothing industry, and has an important and fundamental role in the success of the clothing product. The basic model is the tool on which the quality of clothing depends, and it must have control, comfort, and conformity to the body.

The research aims to :

  1. Identifying the characteristics of the body type of extremely short stature.
  2. Creating a basic model that fits the bodies of women of very short stature in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  3. Implementing the basic model of “Damour” material according to the new model for women of very short stature.

The search found :

  1. There are statistically significant differences between the average scores of the pre- and post-basic model for bodies of very short stature, size “S”, in favor of the post-model.
  2. There are statistically significant differences between the average scores of the pre- and post-basic model for bodies of very short stature, size “M”, in favor of the post-model.

 The search recommended :

  1. Preparing scientific studies that provide clothing solutions for different body types through building and developing models.
  2. Study the requirements of groups of very short stature (women, children, men) to provide them with clothing needs.


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How to Cite
Dr. Samar Mahmoud Abdel Ghani Maklan. (2024). Building a Proposed Basic Model that Fits the Bodies of Very Short Women in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (104), 328-349.