The Effectiveness of Image Sharing Applications in Enhancing Awareness of Cultural Concepts among Middle School Students
The ongoing challenges facing young people, including cultural challenges, highlight the need to enhance awareness of the concepts of Islamic culture as a major incubator that prepares young people to deal with all challenges. Due to the advantages of sharing image applications, the current research relied on sharing image applications to enhance the awareness of cultural concepts as a major incubator that prepares young people to deal with all challenges. Therefore, the current research aimed to examine the impact of sharing image applications on enhancing middle school students' awareness of Islamic cultural concepts. The research adopted the quasi-experimental method to compare the two research groups, where the experimental group is taught using the sharing image application, and the control group is taught using the usual method based on awareness meetings and flyers. The research sample consisted of (60) middle school students, who were randomly distributed to the two research groups (30 students in each group). A 30-item Islamic culture awareness test was developed. The results showed that the experimental group that used sharing image applications was favoured compared to the control group in terms of developing awareness of Islamic culture. The research recommended the need to expand the use of sharing image applications in Islamic culture courses, and to train teachers to design and use participatory image applications in the educational process.
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