Creating Smart Clothing Designs for Children by Adapting Modern Electronic Technologies to Prevent Drowning

  • Aseel Saleh Mohamad Al turaief PhD in Clothes Design and Production, Department of Fashion Design, College of Designs, Qassim University, KSA
  • Olfat Shawky Mansour Professor in Department of Fashion Design, College of Designs, Qassim University, KSA
Keywords: smart clothes, children's clothes, electronic technologies, drowning prevention clothing


This research aims to study the applications of various smart clothing and modern electronic technologies, determine the clothing needs that suit children in the early childhood stage (3-6 years), and to create smart clothing designs for children that protect against drowning in the early childhood stage and meet their functional and psychological needs. To achieve the research objectives, the researcher used the descriptive analytical method with application, and the sample consisted of (15) individuals of specialists, meaning faculty members in the field of fashion design, and (35) individuals of consumers, meaning mothers of children in the early childhood stage (3-6) years, to know the degree of their acceptance of the proposed designs, and the tools included a questionnaire to know the opinions of specialists towards the proposed designs, in addition to a questionnaire to know the opinions of female consumers towards the proposed designs, The results of the study showed that the two research samples accepted the proposed designs in different percentages, and the average ranks for the proposed designs came in light of the degree of acceptance by specialists and consumers in the total questionnaire as a whole, where the sixth design obtained the highest average rank with a value of 103.41, followed by the following designs: (eighth, fifth, fourth, thirteenth, ninth).


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How to Cite
Aseel Saleh Mohamad Al turaief, & Olfat Shawky Mansour. (2024). Creating Smart Clothing Designs for Children by Adapting Modern Electronic Technologies to Prevent Drowning. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (103), 268-296.