The Role of Social Media in predicting Irrational Thoughts among Secondary School Students in Taif

  • Dr. Mazen bin Saleh bin Maish Al-Qurashi Department of Psychology, College of Education, Umm Al-Qura University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Social media, Irrational thought, Secondary stage


The study aimed to identify the level of both irrational thoughts and the use of social media among secondary school students in the city of Taif, and to reveal the nature of the correlation between the use of social media at the secondary stage in the city of Taif, and to verify the possibility of predicting irrational thoughts through the use of social media. At the secondary stage in the city of Taif, and identifying the influence of gender (males - females), and academic year (first - second - third) and the interactions between them on irrational thoughts, and the use of social media among secondary school students in the city. Taif, and to achieve the goal of the study, the descriptive, causal-comparative approach was used, and the irrational thoughts scale and the social media use scale were used, and they were applied to a sample of (403) of secondary school students in the city of Taif. The study concluded that the level of irrational thoughts was Average, while the level of use of social media and its dimensions was high, and there was a positive correlation between medium to high between the grades of secondary school students in the city of Taif, the research sample, in the total score of the scale of use of social media and its dimensions (entertainment, fame, and marketing), while the relationship was Inverse correlation in the two dimensions (communication and communication, culture and education), and the presence of statistically significant differences between the average scores of the two groups (males, females) on the total score for each of irrational thoughts and use of social media, in favor of the male group, and the presence of statistically significant differences between the responses Sample members according to the variable of school year (first - second - third), for the two measures of irrational thoughts and use of social media, in favor of the sample members from the first year compared to the two years (second and third), and in favor of the second year for the two measures compared to the third year.


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How to Cite
Dr. Mazen bin Saleh bin Maish Al-Qurashi. (2024). The Role of Social Media in predicting Irrational Thoughts among Secondary School Students in Taif. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (103), 246-267.