The Level of Female Students Teachers’ Assessment of the Role of the Practical Education Supervisor in developing their Written Lesson Plan Skills in light of some variables

  • Dr. Wafaa Shabib Mohammed AL-Dossary Curriculum & Instruction Department, College of Education, King Faisal University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Assessment, Written Lesson Plan, Role, Supervisor of Practical Education, Student Teacher


  This research aimed to reveal the level of female students teachers’ assessment of the role of the practical education supervisor in developing their written lesson plan skills. As well as knowing the level of difference in evaluation of the role of practical education supervisor in light of the following variables: (specialization, type of contract).                

    The researcher conducted a descriptive survey using a self-designed questionnaire. The sample consisted of 283 female students from the College of Sharia and Islamic Studies at King Faisal University in Al-Ahsa, who were enrolled in Sharia, Arabic, and English departments. The researcher used a complete census method to select the sample.                                                                                                                             

     The research results indicated that student teachers generally rated the role of the practical education supervisor as high in enhancing their lesson plan writing skills. Moreover, the results revealed no statistically significant effect of specialization on the student teachers’ assessment of the supervisor’s role.                                              

      The results also showed that there were statistically significant differences between the average level of female students teachers’ assessment of the role of practical education supervisors with official appointment contracts and practical education supervisors with cooperation work contracts in developing their written lesson plan skills, for the benefit of female students teachers who are supervised by female supervisors with official appointment contracts.                                                  


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How to Cite
Dr. Wafaa Shabib Mohammed AL-Dossary. (2024). The Level of Female Students Teachers’ Assessment of the Role of the Practical Education Supervisor in developing their Written Lesson Plan Skills in light of some variables. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (103), 153-181.