Designing a Learning Environment based on Digital Games and their Impact on Enhancing Reading Skills among Primary School Students
This research aimed to design a learning environment based on digital games and their impact on enhancing reading skills among primary school students. To achieve this goal, the researchers used the experimental approach with a quasi-experimental design based on two experimental and control groups, where the research sample consisted of (154) students from the grade. The fourth primary school at Ibn Hawqal Primary School in Jeddah. The sample was randomly selected, and the number of the two groups was (60) students. They were divided into two groups: the experimental group, which numbered (30) learners, and learning was activated through digital games and their impact on enhancing reading skills. The second group was the control group, and their number was (30) students. Learning was conducted with them in the traditional way. The equality of the two groups was confirmed statistically. The study method for the experimental group was through the digital game ROBLOX. The research experiment was carried out in the first semester of the academic year (2023-2024). The research consisted of one tool, which is the observation card for reading skills. After its validity and reliability were confirmed, it was applied to the two groups, pre- and post-test. After completing the research experiment, the data was collected, organized, and statistically analyzed. The results of the research revealed that there were statistically significant differences at the level of ( ≤ 0.05) between the average scores of the two groups on reading skills, in favor of the experimental group. The value of (t) for the difference between the averages of the two measurements reached (43.279), which is statistically significant at the significance level (0.01). This confirms the effectiveness of designing a learning environment based on digital games and its impact in enhancing reading skills among primary school students, and its superiority over the traditional method that was applied to the control group.
In light of the results reached, the research recommended employing the digital game ROBLOX in the educational process, because it has a prominent role in enhancing the reading skills of primary school students, and training teachers on it.
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