The Function of Narrative Structure Formations in the Modern Arabic story: The Short Story Collection “End-of-Life Fears” by Writer Adel Esmat as an Example

(A critical and analytical study)

  • Dr. Sanaa Soliman Saeed Mostafa Assistant Professor of Literature and Criticism, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: elements and elements of narrative structure, space-time formations, the Arabic story, the famous End of Life, Adel Esmat


This study deals with the short story collection “End-of-Life Fears” by the Egyptian writer Adel Esmat, which consists of seven stories that begin with the story of Dawn - I will never remember you - Zainab Fakhr Al-Din - Al-Watan - Winds of the Khamsin - Mary’s Hadith - and ends with the story of End-of-Life Fears. This collection of stories, Fears of the End of Life, is a prominent example in this context of narrative structure and its elements. It is one of the modern literary works that was able to transport the recipient to the elements of modern narrative construction and multiple space-times, through the use of innovative narrative techniques that reflect the social and cultural reality in a unique manner. This study deals with how the writer Adel Esmat invested in the elements of narrative construction, time, and place in constructing the narrative work. , pointing to the methods he uses to employ these elements in the service of the artistic narrative plot and character development. It also sheds light on the philosophical and psychological dimensions formed by these space-time formations, with a focus on the thorny issue of the short story collection “End-of-Life Fears” and the fears associated with it, exploring how these fears are represented through the narrative elements of time and space in the story. The study aims to analyze The artistic and narrative methods that Ismat uses in shaping his narrative worlds; Which contributes to a deeper understanding of the modern Arab story and the transformations it is witnessing in the modern era, following the descriptive and analytical approach. The study concluded that the narrative structure based on space-time in the collection of stories is considered an influential tool that deepens the reader’s experience. The collection of short stories was able to create a deep interaction with the reader by presenting a non-linear chronological sequence and using place to enhance the emotional and cultural aspects of the story.


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How to Cite
Dr. Sanaa Soliman Saeed Mostafa. (2023). The Function of Narrative Structure Formations in the Modern Arabic story: The Short Story Collection “End-of-Life Fears” by Writer Adel Esmat as an Example: (A critical and analytical study). Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (89), 198-216.