The Impact of Organizational Ambidexterity on Competitive Advantage at Jordanian Commercial Banks
The study aimed to identify the impact of organizational ambidexterity in its dimensions (exploring opportunities and exploiting opportunities) on competitive advantage in its dimensions (quality, cost, flexibility, differentiation). The study population consisted of (12) Jordanian commercial banks, and the unit of analysis for the current study included employees in the Top and middle management in Jordanian commercial banks, or the equivalent of these job titles due to their differences from one bank to another, the study population consisted of all managers in these banks, which are approximately (412) managers. A simple random sample with a size of (218) managers was adopted. The questionnaire was distributed to the sample with (78.8 %) retrieve percentage so, the final sample size is (172) managers. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers used the descriptive analytical method, developed a questionnaire to collect the necessary data.
The results of the analysis of the study data indicated that there is a positive effect of Organizational Ambidexterity with its dimensions on Competitive Advantage in Jordanian Commercial Banks where the levels of Organizational Ambidexterity and Competitive Advantage were high.
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