Artificial Intelligence Applications in School Administration and their Challenges

  • Dr. Yousef Mohammed Althuaini Associate Professor , Specialization of Administrative and Policy Studies, Department of Education, Faculty member at the University of Hail, College of Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
الكلمات المفتاحية: Artificial Intelligence, School Administration


The problem of the current research can be identified in the following main question "How to benefit from the applications of artificial intelligence in school administration" and therefore the aim of the research is to explore the applications of artificial intelligence in school administration and its relationship with improving administrative efficiency and to achieve the research goal, the descriptive analytical approach has been used, which is based on the description of artificial intelligence applications in the field of Educational Administration. the results of the research have shown that there is an urgent need for further research to use artificial intelligence applications to harness its full potential in enhancing educational administration. the current research indicated that the integration of artificial intelligence applications in the tasks of educational administration However, there is still a lot to understand about the ethical considerations, privacy concerns , and potential disadvantages of implementing artificial intelligence applications in education, and the research has recommended the need for researchers, policy makers, and educational institutions to cooperate and invest in rigorous research to ensure the application of artificial intelligence tools in an appropriate manner.


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كيفية الاقتباس
Dr. Yousef Mohammed Althuaini. (2023). Artificial Intelligence Applications in School Administration and their Challenges. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (98), 384-395.