The Role of Governance in The Development of Universities

  • Tariq moahammed Althwaini King Saud University - KSA
  • Mafugie Darboe King Saud University - KSA
  • Mohammed Ahmed Mosa Alshahrani King Saud University - KSA
  • Faisal Obeid Hamoud Alharbi King Saud University - KSA
الكلمات المفتاحية: university, Governance, Development of Universities


In the past decade, the unemployment rate amongst graduates from higher education systems in Arab countries had consistently grown higher, this unfortunate situation is as a result of the huge margin between the skills sought by the labor market and the skills acquired by higher education graduates.

This article Identifies the significance of university governance in tackling the current challenges of these higher institutions.

The existence of an effective university governance would not just contribute to knowledge production, it would as well equip its graduates to become useful, resourceful and productive members of society.

Corporate governance has become a vital component that will allow those in charge of institutions to mobilize resources, design, implement, monitor and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of performance, this ensures rational, informed and transparent decision making that leads to efficiency and effectiveness at the organizational level. 

This article as well delves on a great number of Arab and foreign universities that applied and benefited from the governance model at local levels.


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كيفية الاقتباس
Tariq moahammed Althwaini, Mafugie Darboe, Mohammed Ahmed Mosa Alshahrani, & Faisal Obeid Hamoud Alharbi. (2021). The Role of Governance in The Development of Universities. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, (74), 256-269.