Enhancing the Role of Saudi Women in Community Development in Light of the Kingdom’s 2030 Vision
This paper focuses on the importance of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 in strengthening the role of Saudi women through developing their social status and empowering them in various fields, including political, medical, educational, technical, health, scientific, and sports fields. This study sheds light on the social position of women in the figured world from different countries, especially in the Middle East, by answering the fundamental human question “who am I in the world” regarding women. After noting the obstacles that women are facing in their communities and how they suffer from being shaped by these obstacles, I demonstrate some possibilities for helping women to engage in a dialogue with their society as a way to understand themselves and help others understand what they want to be in the world. Some of these solutions involve women’s engagement with different practices using artifacts, such as dancing, singing, creating artworks, and using their bodies to convey their message to other people in the world. In this paper, I present a personal visual reflection of how women struggle between two different worlds - East and West. One of my paintings reflects what women want to be in their world by giving them a space of freedom to express themselves without the restrictions that would prevent them from having positive interaction with their community. Finally, this paper describes the significant role of Vision 2030 in supporting Saudi women allowing them to author themselves in their community and providing them with many opportunities to build their society and contribute effectively to development and progress in various fields.
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