The effectiveness of the brainstorming strategy in developing higher-order thinking skills and creative thinking through teaching the hadith and biography course for the sixth grade
The study aimed to recognize the impact of using a brainstorming strategy in developing higher thinking skills (analysis-composition-evaluation) and creative thinking (fluency-flexibility-authenticity) by teaching the course of Hadith and The Biography of the Prophet for the sixth grade in primary schools. The semi-experimental curriculum was used for the study's topic. The two study groups consist of (56) female students in the sixth grade from the 41 Primary Schools in Makkah City, the controlling group was represented by (28) female students and (28) female students represented the pilot group. A teacher's manual has been prepared for teaching in accordance with the strategy of brainstorming, preparing a student's manual, preparing a test of higher thinking skills (analysis, composition and evaluation), and using the creative abilities test for creative thinking prepared by Hamid et al. 1422 A.H.The most important findings of the study: there were statistically significant differences in the level (0.05) between the average grades of the pilot group students and the average grades of the controlling group students in the post-measurement of the attainment test (analytical skill), and the pilot group students outperform the controlling group students in the post-measurement to test the creative abilities of skills (fluency-flexibility-authenticity), there were statistically significant differences at the level (0.05) between the average grades of the pilot group students and the average grades of the controlling group students in the post-measurement of the attainment test (installation skill), The absence of statistically significant differences at the level (0.05) between the average grades of the pilot group students and the average grades of the controlling group students in the post-measurement of the attainment test (evaluation skill). The study recommended that future students should be armed with thinking and creativity skills to adapt to emerging future conditions, that both female and male teachers should be obliged to use modern and diverse teaching strategies and monitor their performance within the classroom on a continuous, frequent and close basis.
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- The Holy Quran.
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17. Senussi, Omar bin Mohammed. (1433 AH). The effect of brainstorming strategy in teaching hadith on the development of creative thinking for sixth graders. A magister message that is not published. Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods, College of Education, King Saud University, Riyadh.
18. Sudan, Fida Mahmoud. (2011 AD). The effect of using brainstorming and problem-solving strategies on academic achievement in the social studies course. A magister message that is not published. Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods, College of Education, Damascus University, Syria.
19. Al-Shehri, Noura Muhammad. (1434 AH). The effect of using the brainstorming strategy in teaching family education on the development of creative thinking skills among sixth grade female students. A magister message that is not published. Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods, College of Social Sciences, Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, Riyadh.
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