Linguistic and Cultural Characteristics of Compliments in Russian and English Discourse

  • Marharyta Alsultan Department of English – College of Education and Languages - Lebanese French University – Kurdistan Region / Erbil – Iraq


The given research is entitled “Linguistic and cultural characteristics of compliments in Russian and English discourse”. It aims at determining the linguistic and cultural characteristics of Russian and English speech act such as a compliment. In the course of the study the main role is dedicated to the analysis of the means of expression of compliment speech acts; identification of the main forms and types of compliment. Moreover, the author determines the place of compliment in speech etiquette and speech behaviour, recipients and addressees of the compliment and their intentions in Russian and English linguistic cultures. Thus, the main difference between Russian and English speech acts of compliment is the different degree of correspondence of the feelings and emotions of the recipient of the compliment. Therefore, the relationship between the manifestation of emotions and feelings experienced in this case is not always direct and unambiguous. Accordingly, in intercultural communication, it is necessary to possess the skills of the correct interpretation of emotions and their correct interpretation to ensure effective communication.


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كيفية الاقتباس
Marharyta Alsultan. (2020). Linguistic and Cultural Characteristics of Compliments in Russian and English Discourse. مجلة الفنون والأدب وعلوم الإنسانيات والاجتماع, (54), 481-494.